Android Studio Giraffe Essentials - Java Edition

Android Studio Giraffe Essentials - Java Edition Book

Get up to speed on Android Studio Giraffe.

Learn everything you need to know to develop Android apps using Android Studio Giraffe and Android Jetpack. Available in both print and eBook formats, this book includes 86 chapters of in-depth information including detailed tutorials and downloadable sample code. Buy this book today!

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What You'll Learn

Setting Up Android Studio

Install and configure the Android Studio Giraffe environment.

Using the Emulator

Learn how to test apps using the Android Virtual Device Emulator environment and the Instant Run feature.

Android Studio Overview

Learn the intricacies of the Android Studio Giraffe environment including an in-depth tour of the code editor tool.

User Interface Design

Use the layout editor, Sample Data and ConstraintLayout to design responsive UI layouts.

Database Integration

Integrate databases into your Android apps using Android Jetpack Room library.

Live Data and Data Binding

Change the way you buld apps with Live Data and Data Binding.

Instant Apps

Learn how to build and deploy Android Instant Apps.

In-App Billing

Make extra money from your app with in-app purchases.

MotionLayout Animation

Build animation into your apps using the MotionLayout classes and Editor..

Architecture Components

Navigation, Room, LifeCycle and ViewModel components.

Live Data and Data Binding

Change the way you buld apps with Live Data and Data Binding.

Database Integration

Integrate databases into your Android apps using Android Jetpack Room library.

Much, Much More...

View bindings, Coroutines, touch handling, user interface animation and more. 86 chapters, 796 pages and over 40 examples apps (including source code).



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