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Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Kotlin Edition Errata

Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Kotlin Edition was published on January 16, 2023. The current revision is 1.0a. The revision of your copy of the book can be found in the copyright page at the start of the book. If you have an earlier revision of the book, send proof of purchase to us at [email protected] and we will send you a PDF copy of the latest edition.

Chapter 3 - Creating an Example Android App in Android Studio

The Patch 1 update to Android Studio Electric Eel introduced a change that will cause the AndroidSample project to fail to compile with the following message:

The 'kotlin-android-extensions' Gradle plugin is no longer supported.

To avoid this problem, locate the Gradle Scripts -> build.gradle (Project: AndroidSample) file and change the org.jetbrains.kotlin.android version to version 1.7.21 as follows:

id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.android' version '1.7.21' apply false

Once this change has been made, click on the Sync Now link at the top of the editor panel.

This is the the only chapter where this change will be necessary.

4.9 AVD Command-line Creation

This section refers to the ComposeDemo project. This should refer to the AndroidSample project.

If you have encountered an issue with the book not listed above please contact us as at [email protected] and we will work to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible.

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